The Vatican released between and on papal diplomacy during the Second World War pages. When John Paul II set up a commission for the holy year it led to criticism that the scope was too small. The Jewish historians then also left the commission. Now it says a lot of work to get the final verdict. But only on the basis of what the Zeit team and Kertzer have discovered, the conclusion is unequivocal the truth about Pius XII is far more unpleasant than we have realized until now. I don t know isn t that right Even in this abridged edition of the files that became public in the letter from Geneva is not included.
Why It is only now that the Zeit team has found it, and in addition, moments from the internal discussion after the Pope had read the letter in are emerging. Maglione put a note on the letter to the Pope I don t think we have any information at our disposal that can confirm this weighty newsadds whatsapp mobile number list for the Pope Is it not so The improbability of the Pope not knowing Maglione s note had a different reaction from within. The Vatican Secretariat did not avoid making classic anti Semitic prejudices. Isn t it always the case that Jews exaggerate it says in one of the notes. This is now open.
The papacy had nuncios in all European countries. They were informed first hand. Allitd the integrity of the clergy Here we come to a core point. All popes will act based on the maxim Always act so that you protect the integrity of the clergy. Always act in such a way that you maintain the church s unbroken contact with those threatening, say your own power. All concordats with dictatorship, with Mussolini in and Hitler in are confirmations of this line. If it is necessary to make an alliance with the Devil, then pray for it. The church was always more afraid of the red dictatorship than the brown one. That explains part of Pacelli s behavior. It was always more important to ring around the church s survival than to save Jews.