Chenfei Blog; 26 server host Take a look at the tools, applications, websites, businesses, and services recommended by Chenfei Blog; 27 BlueHost hosting is one of the largest web hosting service providers in the United States. It currently serves more than 2 million domain names. It is an excellent choice for websites. Support full refund within 30 days, if you want to return the host after 30 days, you can return the balance according to the remaining months. Starting from $2.95 per month, free domain name and free one-click installation of opencart self-built service are provided.
That is to say, through the one-click installation service provided by BlueHost, you can build your own opencart self-built website in only 10 minutes, and it is the host provider mobile number list that domestic small and medium-sized sellers give priority to. Bluehost has already set up sub-sites in China. When accessing from a domestic IP address, it will automatically enter the Chinese domestic website, but in fact, these two sites are independently operated. When ordering a host, do not enter the Chinese website to purchase, please go directly to the English website of the United States to purchase.
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