The War Glaive is one of the most sought-after melee weapons in Fallout 76, known for its versatility and potential to be customized with various elemental mods. This article will guide you through how to obtain the War Glaive, its unique variants, and how to enhance it with mods.
Obtaining the War Glaive
There are two primary methods to acquire the War Glaive plans in Fallout 76:
Daily Ops Missions:
To have a chance at obtaining the War Glaive plans, you must be at least level 50.
The plans can drop as a rare reward from completing Daily Ops missions. However, you can only receive one rare item per day from these missions, making it a grind to get the specific item you want.
Purchasing from Minerva:
Minerva is a traveling gold bullion vendor who appears at one of three locations (Foundation, The Crater, or Fort Atlas) every Monday and leaves on Wednesday.
She has a rotating inventory, and the War Glaive plans are part of only three of her 24 inventory sets. This means you might have to wait weeks or even months for the plans to become available again.
Once available, the plans cost 2,000 gold bullions.
Unique War Glaive: Oathbreaker
The Oathbreaker is a unique War Glaive variant that can be obtained by completing the Steel Dawn DLC questline. Specifically, it is a reward for finishing the "Over and Out" quest, which is the second-to-last mission in the DLC.
Legendary Effects: The Oathbreaker comes with the legendary effects of Suppressors (reduces target's damage output by 20%), +40% pair attack damage, and +40 damage resistance while pair attacking. Originally, it had an Anti-Armor effect, which was later changed by Bethesda.
Upgrades: You can upgrade the Oathbreaker by purchasing mods from Regs in Vault 79, but you must have completed the Wastelanders DLC main questline to access his inventory.
The value of Fallout 76 caps cannot be overstated when it comes to enhancing your gameplay experience. Caps serve as the primary currency in the wasteland, allowing you to purchase essential items, weapons, and high-value mods, including those for the War Glaive. By strategically trading and managing your cap resources, you can ensure that you always have enough to spend on important upgrades or to buy rare items from vendors like Minerva. Maximizing your cap collection not only improves your combat capabilities but also enriches your overall adventure in Fallout 76.
Crafting and Modding
Crafting: Once you have the War Glaive plans, you can craft the weapon at a workbench. However, you cannot craft legendary versions directly; you can only craft non-legendary War Glaves and potentially make them legendary later.
Mods: The War Glaive can be modded with various elemental effects like fire, ice, or electricity. These mods are available from Regs in Vault 79 for gold bullions. Minerva also sells some mods, but she only offers two at a time.
The War Glaive is a powerful and versatile melee weapon in Fallout 76, offering players a unique combat experience with its customizable mods. Whether you choose to grind for it through Daily Ops or purchase it from Minerva, the War Glaive is a valuable addition to any player's arsenal. The Oathbreaker variant adds an extra layer of exclusivity and power for those who complete the Steel Dawn DLC.