The following features: travel through relatively undisturbed natural areas; environmental responsibility; the study of nature and the enjoyment of it; "soft" impact on participation of local residents. A true eco-volunteer spends a minimum of fuel to move, cleans up after himself, separates the garbage accumulated during the trip, chooses walking or cycling instead of ATV tours. In addition, he supports local businesses that are just as responsible for nature - they do not exploit animals, do not throw waste into water bodies, and keep the place clean. Ecotourist commandments Together with Elizaveta Yusupovskaya, the author of the Ecologin telegram channel, we have compiled several recommendations and rules that will help make outdoor recreation (and any other trip.
More environmentally friendly. The first rule of a tourist is to take Russia WhatsApp Number List everything you own. Your toothbrush, shampoo, toothpaste, reusable cup, so as not to litter nature with disposable things. Every year, 650 hotels in New York throw away more than 27 million plastic bottles, which might not be there if every guest took their personal hygiene products on a trip. Therefore, in the west, tourist sites are already actively refusing mini-bottles and other disposable devices in the rooms. This choice can be made by the traveler himself, preferring concern for nature to a fleeting whim Elizaveta Yusupovskaya.
Hate the buy when I arrive” thesis, since any such purchases while traveling, as a rule, are no longer used at home. So any eco-friendly trip should start with packing a suitcase.” Minimize your footprint Another basic rule of ecotourism - wherever you go, leave everything as it was before you. Or do better if you find a discarded bottle along the way. No need to pick flowers, go off the trails and trample new ones, chase animals and insects. An ecotourist is always in the position of an observer and treats the place he has entered with the utmost care.