It exists because the industry needs it. Digital PR evolved because the industry needed a scalable and repeatable way to build high-quality backlinks. Practitioners need to get smarter as they get smarter. As search engines increasingly learn how to ignore and even penalize paid link practitioners realize they have to earn links. Hence the rise of another name for earned media digital PR.
The digital PR community, which had been in its infancy since the 1970s, began to learn from traditional PR. have certain needs and that digital PR can help them meet those needs. Journalists need UK WhatsApp Number List stories first. So the numbers start to provide those stories better. What's more, digital PR excels at delivering stories that encourage journalists to link back to client sites.
This is how the relatively young discipline of digital PR and digital marketing got to where it is today. Its evolutionary story also explains why it can seem a little weird at times. It's not uncommon these days for a metal garage retailer to publish an infographic about animal life expectancy or a bingo company to publish a blog post about sexual fetishes, all in the name of link building.